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putting popsicles on other person's basket forgetting he's shy to him earlier... how cute
*heavy breathing.* where is this.. WHERE IS THIS bar!!
he's such an a naive boy but the things he say ...
"excuse me... you! over there with the scar" haha
oh man, ranamaru's dad is so handsome. i need to save this
gyaahaha hey nerd boy don't make someone feel flustered bec. of your killer lines you don't realize
sober. lol that's what everybody says
this mangaka is really amusing plus starring: toriumi-san the amazeballs
best friendship award goes to yamamoto. i wish sensei would give him a story of his own.
kyahaha the moovees. what's worse is seme is not aware of what he's saying
ehehehe *blushes.
lol luzon. ok, this is the japanese occupation era.
adorable lol. #baka couple
neko-seme ahah weird setup.
smooth operator here!
hahaha damnit pretty guy. i hate you but you're just too handsome
244 photos
10 07,2015 created

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