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All(66) / album(37) / photo(29)
20 12,2016
26 12,2016

(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ [YAOI] they deleted my album T_T -Doki Doki-

It just another random Image of Yaoi's on my side (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

You will Enjoy this DEFINITELY , Hahaha you'll get NOSEBLEED :P
26 12,2016
27 12,2016
02 01,2017
02 01,2017
05 01,2017

[Old Xian] 19 Days // Art

Old Xian's workst and impressive scenes from 19 Days including great fanart.
16 01,2017

What can a LIST do?

You may feel your favorite manga should be gathered together into distinct categories for your own reference and, now, you can do this with a LIST. After you've created your list or lists, you can proudly recommend them to other manga fans to showcase and share your taste in manga.