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Name: Kyuuso Ha Cheese no Yume Omiru
Status: Completed   
Author: Mizushiro Setona 2006 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Yaoi
Alternative: 优柔有情人; 爱在末路之境; 穷途之鼠的奶酪; 窮鼠はチーズの夢を見る; 窮鼠夢見起司; Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume o Miru; Das Spiel von Katz und Maus (German); Il Gioco del Gatto e del Topo (Italian); Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru; Le Jeu du chat et de la souris 1 (French); The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese
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