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All photos about Oteuchi Kakugo! page 1

I’ll give you what you wish for.
Would you prefer mine?
He has no right to touch you. Since that right belongs to me alone,
I want you. I want to enter you quickly.
Is it okay if I go deeper?
You’re already dripping here.
What the hell are you saying? Quickly get away from him.
Are you happy that I’m doing this to you?
Yeah, this is just for me.
I’ve barely touched you and you’re already this way.
This is not allowed for anyone else.
I’ll mark this body as my possession.
You shouldn’t touch anyone but me so casually.
You belong to me completely. Were you trying to cuckold me?
What the heck was that just now?

What is this?

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Name: Oteuchi Kakugo!
Status: Completed   
Author: SHIMADA Hisami 2002 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Comedy
Alternative: お手討ち覚悟!; Assume the Position!; Oteuchi Kakugo
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