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What is the inhalant that Asami forces on Akihito in the first chapter? Is it a popper or ...

Curious November 27, 2015 2:30 am

What is the inhalant that Asami forces on Akihito in the first chapter? Is it a popper or something else?

    Anonymous November 27, 2015 9:05 am

    In real life that's not how alkyl nitrites work - they're muscle relaxants not aphrodisiacs - but what Ayano Yamane meant it to be, we don't know. It might not have a real life analogue - in the same way the sweet-tasting aphrodisiac in Pink Gold 4 doesn't exist in real life.

    Anonymous November 27, 2015 10:20 am


    Anonymous November 27, 2015 10:25 am

    oh wait. chloroform was for when aki was knocked out. as for the other drug in the bottle guess we'll never really know. might be opium of some sort.

    Anonymous November 27, 2015 12:51 pm

    Actually, poppers are considered to be an aphrodisiac. Yes, they are a muscle-relaxant, but along with relaxed muscles comes dilated blood vessels which provides a head rush or intoxicated feeling. Users report loosened inhibitions and yes, sexual stimulation.

    Poppers are so named because of the sound the lid makes when it is opened, and we get that helpful little sound effect on page seventeen. So my guess is yes, it's a popper.

    Anonymous November 27, 2015 1:23 pm

    It very much depends. The dilated blood vessels cause an immediate drop in blood pressure (hence the head rush). The low blood pressure can prevent erection.

    Anonymous November 27, 2015 6:40 pm

    The novelization calls it "volatizing[sic] alcohol," which is basically what poppers are.

    J Unleashed November 27, 2015 9:51 pm

    It is an inhalant known as amyl nitrate, which is indeed also called a "popper". It's a vasodilator, which means it increases blood flow by opening blood vessels, and also causes relaxation of involuntary muscles (in this, it is similar to how the ED [erectile dysfunction] medication "Viagra" works; it can relax smooth muscle tissue to allow increased blood flow into the spongy tissue of the penis). It also relaxes the anal sphincter which is, of course, helpful for anal sex

    Amyl nitrate is also psychoactive, which means it also causes a change in perception, mood, and consciousness... so the person inhaling experiences a short term "high" somewhat similar to nitrous oxide (AKA "laughing gas"... a few of you may have been given this by a dentist).

    This drug is notorious for its recreational use within the gay community to enhance sexual experience.

    Anonymous November 30, 2015 4:57 am

    Poppers. They are more popular with the gay male community during sex and I've seen them used while dancing too.