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If he is a girl, then will he is period one day?

shiro-chan January 5, 2016 1:36 pm

If he is a girl, then will he is period one day?

    gay _penguins January 5, 2016 11:35 pm

    realistically he would, but i dont think the artist/author is going to add that in

    shiro-chan January 5, 2016 11:51 pm
    realistically he would, but i dont think the artist/author is going to add that in gay _penguins

    I know ,but it would be funny(≧∀≦)

    gay _penguins January 6, 2016 12:10 am
    I know ,but it would be funny(≧∀≦) shiro-chan

    then if he ever has sex with that guy(forgot him name like take-something (to lazy to go look)) he could get pregnant idk usually in genderbender stories like these they show like a 10 yr later time skip and they have kids but doesnt show the process of then getting their periods some shows but not much but unless the author wants to make it more ecchi than it already is i dont think hes going to add it in :P ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    GrapeKiwi January 12, 2016 12:22 pm

    I think if he stays a girl too long, he will go through puberty. How body is changing more and more now