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I really like kuroshitsuji to have dark and fun arc like in the beginning when Sebastian l...

Dylan January 21, 2016 7:02 pm

I really like kuroshitsuji to have dark and fun arc like in the beginning when Sebastian lock the guy in the stove and ciel used Sebastian however he wanted. The p4 arc just threw me off.

    Mia January 21, 2016 7:14 pm

    Well, apparently we're in the minority, since everybody else thought it was hilarious and they loved it.

    Ray January 23, 2016 3:32 am

    Someone upstairs (the comments) said that she want BB to become associated with 'facts' . But then again , this might be one of the facts . Imagine ''THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE REVOLUTION OF MUSIC''

    I think it's hilarious and yes , I o like it to become dark . But I'm pretty sure it's just hilarious on the outside . Like people always say , don't judge a book by its cover .It's what's inside that matters .

    Well in this case , it's the dark unfolded mystery lies ahead is what matters . Everything needs a cover . Even that twisted mind of a psychopath . If Kuroshitsuji is all about dark and twisted , then where is the cover ?

    People should understand the world and how it revolves more .

    Diaheart January 25, 2016 11:24 am

    I totally agree with you guys! this new plot twist is very unbecoming of this what originally started as a dark, mysterious, Victorian occult placed manga. I became a fan when the mangaka as they used actually hsitorical(ish) events or stories from old times and played with it to suit the story line. I get the whole cult thing they're running with cause that was quite big back then buuuuut the choice of how as others have referred as (Starish 1000%) is totally out of place UGH!! hopefully this will be a one off :D