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So Kyoko's mother had postpartum depression (or is it prepartum because it was before she ...

Mimi January 27, 2016 1:36 am

So Kyoko's mother had postpartum depression (or is it prepartum because it was before she was born?) Seriously, Kyoko has like the saddest backstory out of any character I know!

    Inothingam January 27, 2016 11:24 am

    She didn't have postpartum depression; that doesn't happen until after the baby is born. Saena is just a cruel bitch who basically psychologically abused her own child for years for no justifiable reason

    Anonymous February 2, 2016 2:53 am
    She didn't have postpartum depression; that doesn't happen until after the baby is born. Saena is just a cruel bitch who basically psychologically abused her own child for years for no justifiable reason Inothingam

    you're right but people here are so hungry for a fairy tale ending where she gets close with her mom, marries ren, and becomes friends again with Sho even if she dislikes him and Ren hates him. I hope at the very least she stays ignoring Sho. This can't be all perfect. Something's gotta give.