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Okay so this is my assumption about Shinobu tried to kill VB from rereading the chapter ab...

miss_yc February 20, 2016 12:26 pm

Okay so this is my assumption about Shinobu tried to kill VB from rereading the chapter about their past again and again... It was a task given by the elders since it's taking too long to make VB learned how to be in human form and also it's his father's order because it was stated that his father said that he shouldn't have existed from the first place. And Shinobu just took the responsibility of killing VB for he's the teacher and failed to teach him immediately but instead Shinobu just injured his right part face. VB didn't hold any grudges because he knew that it's his father's and elder's decision. But really I want to read more about these two first. I want everything to be cleared between them first and know what happened afterwards. But all in all, this is such a great story, I mean all of the stories. I fell in love all over again. I always read Hiromasa's and Shima's story. I love possessive and obsessed seme. (灬ω灬)

    Lorettelala March 7, 2016 12:09 am

    Reading the sublime English version of vol 8 it said that Makio was going to take Shinobu's place so Shinobu would not be able to be with VB again. In a Romeo and Juliet like way, it seemed that after Shinobu slashed VB in the eye, he then hurt himself (obvi both survived). VB doesn't blame Shinobu because Shinobu did it out of love and he knows Shinobu was raised in the twisted Madarame household where everyone is somewhat messed up.