Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. is this a manga?...

    Zoey Zoey Zoey March 20, 2016 7:19 am

    I wondered that too but alas I've been told it's just illustrations. I was given the name of the artist -I've forgotten it-and if she's written any yaoi manga it hasn't been translated. All I could find was art when I googled the name, no actual manga. I keep hoping there's manga from this artist as I've sen her illustrations featured in the promo pages of scan groups in the beginnings of a bunch of manga and there all so beautiful and evocative. I read there's an art book all the images come from that you see used by the scantalation groups. Maybe we'll get lucky and find that she's done full mangas and a scan group has translated it. Although it looks like all she's done is the yaoi art book. It's too bad

    Mikasa March 21, 2016 3:24 am
    I wondered that too but alas I've been told it's just illustrations. I was given the name of the artist -I've forgotten it-and if she's written any yaoi manga it hasn't been translated. All I could find was art... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    if you ever remember the artist tell me, id like to read any manga with such beautiful art

    Kuroushiki March 21, 2016 4:56 am

    Ayumi Kasai.

    Mikasa March 21, 2016 5:01 pm

    thank you ヾ(☆▽☆)