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Not a lot of readers felt the chemistry...

Mameiha March 7, 2016 10:38 am

... but I did. I thought it was a great story and a unique twist on the "baseball" theme. Maybe I'm just old and broken like the characters and understand that love isn't all sparkles and roses. Sometimes it's just knowing that you're "good enough" to love someone - all the "doki-doki" moments already happened. Now it is just about reconfirming mutual feelings. However, one thing irked me - the ex-wife. Yet another despicable "yaoi chick". Can any woman be that shallow?!?! In the long run it worked out well, so I guess I can't bitch too much. LOL

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 22, 2018 1:48 am

    It's more like the story. Try reading it now. Honestly, in the beginning it implies that the uke ran away cuz the seme was too possessive. Then it goes in the "mum told him to leave cuz gay is bad" direction. Plus the seme forced the guy cuz he had sex while the seme got married and of cource fucked her.