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random thoughts

Mio March 26, 2016 7:33 pm

Would have liked to see more about their bloodline history. Also their "crazy" grandfather & dad with their sister-wives and daughter-wives.
Ancestors are the priestess and the wolf- interesting storyline.
Quote: "Borrowing the power of the deity of the beast, they remarry within the family to preserve the purity of the bloodline."
Also want to see what that "power" is- little more of supernatural touch to the story would make it more deeper and darker.
All the women's lifespan was short, so in the end there were only men left- I wouldn't mind mpreg at that point. I mean if they had that "power of the wolf deity". Plus wouldn't mind if all family males turned into werewolves or half-werewolves time to time.
Cute little Tsubaki with ears & tail

    Mio March 26, 2016 7:43 pm

    Well, priestesses worked in the shrine so wolf deity was protecting it. Still his power could have some other useful outlets.