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You know what? This fucker actually loves her fat self too but he hasn΄t realized yet or ...

Samy May 29, 2016 9:15 pm

You know what? This fucker actually loves her fat self too but he hasn΄t realized yet or he doesn΄t want to admit it. That΄s why he always try so hard not to relate her as something important or nothing more than a toy. I΄m sorry man but you΄re not convincing at all (╬ ̄_ ̄)

    LadyinWhite June 7, 2016 5:01 am

    At the end of the day, he doesn't deserve her...

    Samy June 7, 2016 9:27 am
    At the end of the day, he doesn't deserve her... LadyinWhite

    yep. She΄s 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times too good for him! ( ̄へ ̄)

    LadyinWhite June 7, 2016 10:23 pm
    yep. She΄s 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times too good for him! ( ̄へ ̄) Samy

    I agree 100%

    mini_b2013 June 20, 2016 5:09 pm

    Lmfao dobt make it seem as shes the angel here..she was also using him and taking advantage of him while she was also seeing the other matter how they both can be in denial on how they feel toward eachother they will not admit it until the truth comes out and he find out who she really is..if you think she is too good for him you are absolutely wrong..he also too good for him if you want yo br technical

    Samy June 20, 2016 5:20 pm
    Lmfao dobt make it seem as shes the angel here..she was also using him and taking advantage of him while she was also seeing the other matter how they both can be in denial on how they feel toward eacho... mini_b2013

    Nope. You can take the way she acted as a thing he deserved since he bullied her so badly. He is the reason of all her pain, she even tried to commit suicide with all that bastard has done to her, so he has to take what he deserves. I never said she΄s an ¨angel¨ but she΄s definetly better than him. ( ̄へ ̄)

    mini_b2013 June 20, 2016 5:32 pm

    Yeah two wrongs dont make a right..she going to be the one hurt through out all of this..

    Samy June 20, 2016 5:35 pm
    Yeah two wrongs dont make a right..she going to be the one hurt through out all of this.. mini_b2013

    Yep, you΄re kinda right about that... If this keeps on... She sure won΄t have a good end...

    CrystalAris July 23, 2016 4:54 am
    Lmfao dobt make it seem as shes the angel here..she was also using him and taking advantage of him while she was also seeing the other matter how they both can be in denial on how they feel toward eacho... mini_b2013

    I thought so too. She wasn't a bad character till she decided to use him, the black hair guy. Sure in the beginning she had a reason to 'trick' him in the first few chapters and but then she broke up with her idol since he too was an ass, I said good for her.

    ...Then she... went back to that bastard and even sided with him, but she doesn't want the black hair guy to leave and convinces him to stay only till later he confesses to her and she now once again wants revenge.... she's turning into a beauty bitch, she's right now she IS one. I was rooting for her...but she keeps switching. I wish she'd stop, I want her to become a better person and not live for revenge cause that's really gonna bite her soon.

    And even though I know this is really evil, but I wanted to see what back hair guy would do if she did commit suicide, like in ch. 1 or 2, since later he mentioned his hand itching and stuff since he couldn't bully her. I know her family would have just disowned her, but I really wanted to see his reaction especially since that e-mail was the final push. How would he have felt if he saw her 'squished' unmoving body lie there on the pavement. ... yeah I know evil on my part, but I want to feel chills at this point, I don't care if it was him dreaming about her suicide I want to see the terror on his face, the self hatred for his foolishness, and his grief eating away at him since she can't come back... after all its too late, for your own pleaser... stress relive, Mr. you helped someone... die, you may not have been the only one, but you saw how her family treated her, not even acknowledging her, and you go and 'mark' her... burn Mr. , burn in agony.