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Akiyama-kun Vol.2 Ch.7.2

Onna31 June 4, 2016 8:33 am

Back off fatty,you soul as bad as ur body,you dont deserve to be happy. You are just going to torture those two (`Д´)凸

    mrl98 June 4, 2016 11:50 pm

    Why did you assume that " bad as his body" why is being fat a bad shape? Who are you to say what's good and what's bad? Wouldn't it suffice saying his soul is bad, but you had to add a hating comment about fat person? You need to cleanse your soul and mouth as well. Even tho it's not real life but it shows what do you think of fat people.

    Onna31 June 5, 2016 2:12 am
    Why did you assume that " bad as his body" why is being fat a bad shape? Who are you to say what's good and what's bad? Wouldn't it suffice saying his soul is bad, but you had to add a hating comment about fat ... mrl98

    Well idot,thanks for sign in. Glad to see u hv balls to use ur account instated using 'anonymous'

    Fankly,Im tired of seeing ur kind. The "justice of the internet" always need to bring other people down with ur sense of ego. U talk shit like this in hoping other users to back u up and say ur way its right, no, ur way of thinking is right and force people to apologize and agree with ur thinking. So u could feel better at the end of the day that you have self proclaimed save a human somewhere around the earth by throw me some insult words....... to a manga character.

    Yeah..... smooth.

    Well too bad the world don't revolve around you. People still dying out of war, unjust racism and othe things around the world. I dont see you treat your family any beter nor your neighbors nor your friend. You just need something to make you feel better. Make art thou greater than everyone else. So you come to people like me and start bashing us with UR OPINION to make you feel better? Pfff, Perfectic.

    Let me "entertain" you by some facts; what insult I give to a CHARACTER of this manga is my damed personal opinion. You,who really need to check your brain obviously cannot use your brain to think that I was referring to something fictional.
    If I get angry or insult the character in a manga, dont you think its becuse the mangaka have done a good job making a certain character as villain as intended. And as hateful as they want READERS to feel towards a certain type of people in their manga?
    obliviously you are to mentally challenge to see that.

    It doesn't means Im going outside, in real life and look all fat people as someone who does not deserve to live in this world when my body itself is chubby and I have obesity brother. Nor do I treat them bad by name calling , what are we? 12? that we don't know how to treat others? that we must call names make us feel better?

    You clearly need to getout from your ignorance chair and face the real world.

    If all the people get sue or tounge bash to prove it's wrong because having different view/insult on a CHARACTER MADE UP in a manga or novel or movies, then I would like to see you stop and sue all the script writter in this world to use stereotype in their story. Because oblivious there going to be people like me who will hate ugly characte. inside or out and we will critiques that character whichever we please.

    Extra point -

    you know what, lets make the script writer in the world and tounge bash them until all movie/manga/novel never have a villlain at all in them. Or any Stereotype character in their story. I mean, its unfair since it gonna make critique like me hate the CHARACTER. And its was "not allowed" to hate nor insult a villain; In a manga/drama/novel.

    betcha is like watching barney shows or sasame street.

    and by the, what right for me to say all stuff to a fictional character??? its call being human and free will. As long you are not here fizikally to beat me up to follow ur "good behavior" to all kind of people's even they are made-up, Im gonna trash talk/call however I like. so grow up.

    To all haters keep trow an insult note here about my "behavior", I am not going to give a damed on how I rate or critique a manga and its character or your opinion. I still hate that fat character of this manga who gonna screw the relationship of the mc. if you don't like how I call the fat guy not my business, maybe the mangaka should change to a girl and I can call her ugly bitch. but since the mangaka DRAW it like that, Im going to call it like that. whats you going to do? start a demonstration critique not allow in anything we read? pffff, like life was that easy.

    Btw, English was not my fav subject nor it use in my country. So screw grammatical error. if you cannot understand thats not my problem.
    Still hate me?
    Not my problem.
    But can't differ reality vs fictional life, maybe u should check ur brain.
    Im ignoring all comments from here on because Im busy with facing reality.
    Stupidity does grow fast these day.

    mrl98 June 5, 2016 10:44 am

    Not gonna bother reading all that, go die.

    Queen(Vanita) June 8, 2016 1:22 pm

    Lol Justice of an Internet.yes these type of ppl sucks.they r an irritating.