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Oh my goodness, friend Kageyama is the same as yakuza doctor Kageyama from Don't Stay Gold...

Anonymous July 18, 2016 2:20 pm

Oh my goodness, friend Kageyama is the same as yakuza doctor Kageyama from Don't Stay Gold, so Yashiro and him stayed friends into adulthood! Until they both found people to love!! (I dunno why, that just makes me really happy)

    Sam August 12, 2017 8:57 pm

    Yeah but it pissed me off they didn't stay together and that Kageyama ended with an ugly ass dude

    Anonymous December 16, 2018 9:16 pm
    Yeah but it pissed me off they didn't stay together and that Kageyama ended with an ugly ass dude Sam

    I don't really get why falling in love have to do anything with his/her face? I'm pretty sure falling in love or relationships holds way more depth and meaning than just the person's looks. I hope your point of views changes one day.