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DAT was certainly unexpected, the ending was a little rush? i, personally, am an ulquiori/...

Anonymous August 22, 2016 12:05 pm

DAT was certainly unexpected, the ending was a little rush? i, personally, am an ulquiori/ishiori shipper, im fine with renji being together with rukia, they have this 'thing' between them for a long time, but ive always thought that ichigo only treat orihime as a friend and have this interest in rukia after this 'lets stare at each oher' scene before rukia disappear, at least theres something between them
i dont really see the developement between ichigo and orihime tbh, i dont ship them, but i dont hate them being together, i mean its an ending that tite created and i respect it, but the idea of them being together...its just plain weird, no offence
at the beginning, i thought it would be a non ship ending, this exceeded my expetations a lil bit, but nevertheless it was a good manga, highly recommended one to be exact
i have questions tho, A LOT OF THEM,
just what the hell happened to the tsukishima dude? what happened to grimmjow, nel and the other espadas? what happened to hueco mundo(is that how you spell it?) just why is aizen locked up, again? sooo... ichigo's a human now?
so anyways, i really hope a sequal will come out, their children looks very cute by the way

    Anonymous August 22, 2016 12:07 pm
