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Asami loves akihito right? not fei long cuz i read in the comments of someone that asam...

Anonymous August 26, 2016 8:12 am

Asami loves akihito right? not fei long cuz i read in the comments of someone that asami loves fei long.

    LadyLigeia August 26, 2016 12:10 pm

    Whatever happened with Feilong from that point of view was in the past... and stayed there. (poor Fei).

    Anoni Grrl August 26, 2016 12:24 pm

    People ship all kinds of things. I ship Kuroda and Kirishima, and they've never been seen together n the story (I think). There is a basis for shipping Asami and Fei, but it is not canon. Personally, I think they have complicated feelings for each other and Asami may have a type of love for Fei--but nowhere near what he has with Aki. I also think Aki and Fei have complicated feelings. Obvi Asami and Aki and the couple, but if they had a threesome, it would be with Fei.

    Romanceisdead69 August 26, 2016 2:54 pm

    Because that of course would be a very out of the blue Plot line, there has been no indication, foreshadowing or mention of Fei Long as a current/future love interest for Asami. Sensei would face untold outrage if she wasted so many of the fan's time on following the Asami/Akihito plot only to then throw a Fei Long shaped grenade into the mix at the last minute.
    It also wouldn't happen because he isn't an integral character to the piece and with it being so close to the end of the series and all there isn't enough time to develop the AXFL relationship and to even draw enough sex scenes between them etc.

    Nah mate. Won't happen.

    There maybe another friendly 3P one day - but Asami and Fei won't be picking out matching tuxes any time soon.

    Anonymous August 26, 2016 3:23 pm

    I don't think he ever "loved" him in that way, and certainly not the same way as Akihito. I even recall sensei stating in an interview that Asami only ever wanted comradery from Feilong. I think he does care for him, but he doesn't want to be in any kind of romantic relationship with him... Why he kissed him is anyone's guess.

    LadyLigeia August 26, 2016 3:50 pm
    I don't think he ever "loved" him in that way, and certainly not the same way as Akihito. I even recall sensei stating in an interview that Asami only ever wanted comradery from Feilong. I think he does care fo... @Anonymous

    Some kind of 'friend with benefit', then. I always thought something like that.

    Anoni Grrl August 26, 2016 4:07 pm
    Some kind of 'friend with benefit', then. I always thought something like that. LadyLigeia

    Yeah, I'd go with friends with benefits--but a very good friend. Not a romantic love as such, but someone who matters to Asami and Aki both.

    Reality bites August 26, 2016 6:33 pm

    Even if Takaba never existed, Asami and Fei could not be together. Their egos would not fit in the same room at the same time. At some point, an argument would break out over whose" bus." was more important. Neither would give up power for the other and really would they share? or could they?