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totally unrelated with manga

Tsukkin December 4, 2016 8:08 pm

okay, this is a bit pathetic but anyone know how to find a significant other? i think i'm always stuck with this problem. when i have a relationship with someone it always doesn't seem right, am i just too picky or something? what do you think?

    Huppyvirus December 4, 2016 8:20 pm

    I can relate, but i'm more of like unsure whether to enter a relationship or not. So here i am inexperienced since birth becaus ei also feel that there's something wrong, like if i think about it. Is this person the right one for me? Or am i the right one for him? But really is just all goes down to what can i do to make this relationship last and strengthen it? And when i think about how i think about things right now, uhhh maybe not....i might unnecessarily hurt this person, i'm not mentally ready to commit so. If you already are in a relationship maybe try? And if it's really not working to the way you want to see your future, then let go.

    Kerrr December 4, 2016 8:38 pm

    Not pathetic at all. Wisdom comes from weird places sometimes. I feel really qualified for this question, I'm a fellow spinless jerk that can never EVER be truly satisfied with any decision. I swear I still think about how my life would have been different if I didn't spend like 30 dls on churros 10 winters ago. Here's a nugget for you: significant others DON'T EXIST. It's brutal, I know, but the sooner that sinks in, the better. All people are shit. Getting better at relationships comes when you know more about *yourself*, not your partner. Learn about your limits, likes, kinks, deal-breakers and needs. If your current partner isn't cutting it, say so (be gentle!) and talk about adapting to each other and give it another go. There's no deep secret, communication is what it's all about.