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Holy shit! This manga's topic section is a treasure...Whatever it might be, anorexia nervo...

Anachan March 20, 2017 6:58 pm

Holy shit! This manga's topic section is a treasure...Whatever it might be, anorexia nervosa or bulimia or both just drop it at that...anymore people trying to make a fuss over it please don't. If you know what it is swallow it, if you don't, research some and then swallow it...I mean only 1st chapter is released right? Let the story go on a little longer then decide to criticize it as much as you want. You might feel stupid for storming over the comment section for no good reason. Sensei is no doctor, she/he did necessary research to write the manga because when it comes to an illness it might become a sensitive topic and they are quite aware about it. I feel good tho, other than some good for nothing ppl like us, some really educated ppl read Yaoi mangas. Thank you. I really appreciate your good will to share your medical knowledge with us. But no more. Don't discourage the translators any more than this(also it might be encouraging seeing so much activity on topics). Translator san, keep up your good work. We're all looking forward for the next update.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anachan March 20, 2017 7:14 pm

    My deepest apologies if I've hurt someone's feelings or offended anyone... Also thanks again to the big heart people who spend their knowledge and precious time to share their thoughts with others. My heartfelt thanks and sincerest apologies. ^_^