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helpuh meh

mooo March 30, 2017 10:17 am

so im looking for this yaoi manga that i read a while ago

theres a student and a tutor "teacher" (hes actually a college student that tutors them for money) and then student goes to the centre to look at the teacher. the teacher notices that the student looks at him a lot but brushes it off. But then, the student is out one day and sees the "teacher" going out with some of his friends and overhears his conversation saying how hes a college student. student and "teacher" see each other and the "teacher" goes keep this a secret for me and ill act like your boyfriend. student agrees and they fall more for each other. the college student like disappears one day, but twlls the student to keep studying to get into his college so they can meet again.

yeh des it. heheh ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
