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Hi! Im looking for a manga, and I think its a one shot. I was so sure it was by Yoshinaga ...

Eldalote April 2, 2017 12:18 pm

Hi! Im looking for a manga, and I think its a one shot. I was so sure it was by Yoshinaga Fumi, but I just cant find it!
Its about a young lord who cant leave his home or meet other people because of an illness. His brother creates robots for him to keep him company, and he starts asking for men that he can have sex with. He keeps asking for more and more and when he finally got a whole harem of them, he goes nuts and kills them off. Turns out the one he wanted to sleep with was his brother.
In the end they have sex and the young lord breaks down because, plot twist, he was just a robot all along.
thankful for help! :)
