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Please help!

FJ-Anya April 23, 2017 3:45 am

I only read a little bit of the beginning, but I want to find this manga. It's about a boy who I think is a rebel or an average student, but anyways he's not that important but gets groped on the train by the school president. He comes but then leaves the train in a hurry, only to be called into the the student council room. Then, he gets confessed to be the president. The art style kind of reminded me of Detective Conna (If that's how you spell it) and I think the president looked a lot like him. The president also had a side kick (I think it was the vice) but his was blond I think and showed as white. Thank you so much, and i wish you good luck!

    FJ-Anya April 23, 2017 4:00 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! darkangel

    You are my Jesus whom hid in the shadows.