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kageyamaa as an ukee is a blessing ヾ(☆▽☆) how can he be soooo cutee!!!

amanda April 26, 2017 1:04 pm

kageyamaa as an ukee is a blessing ヾ(☆▽☆) how can he be soooo cutee!!!

    minyoongay April 26, 2017 1:51 pm

    that's not kageyama, please i'd appreciate it if you dont mix this up with other mangas i find it sort of disrespectful to the author. (dont get me wrong i fcking love haikyuu)

    Mari April 26, 2017 2:07 pm
    that's not kageyama, please i'd appreciate it if you dont mix this up with other mangas i find it sort of disrespectful to the author. (dont get me wrong i fcking love haikyuu) minyoongay

    Don't be so serious x.x

    Anonymous April 26, 2017 2:38 pm
    that's not kageyama, please i'd appreciate it if you dont mix this up with other mangas i find it sort of disrespectful to the author. (dont get me wrong i fcking love haikyuu) minyoongay

    i'm an artist and i know how hurtful it is when people say that your characters look like others but... i can't even fight it, kageyama and the mc just... their faces look SO alike. they are not the same person tho, so calling yubin "kageyama" instead of his real name can be kinda direspectful for the author, it's like saying "your character is not good enough for me to remember the name, especially in comparison to this OTHER character who happens to be someone else's". ofc this isn't probably what you guys thought and you can say im overreacting but this is what i would feel when i read this kind of thing as an artist, and i think this is something most of artists i know (personally) would feel too. it's not that important in that case anyway, no one is hurt lol ^^ just, never say that in front of an artist (water is wet...)
    BUT im saying again, not denying they REALLY look alike at all physically. it's a fact lmao, and now i can't unsee it, it's very disturbing for me so that's why i somewhat have a hard time reading this

    minyoongay April 26, 2017 5:21 pm
    i'm an artist and i know how hurtful it is when people say that your characters look like others but... i can't even fight it, kageyama and the mc just... their faces look SO alike. they are not the same person... @Anonymous

    exactly, like probably what reminds of people of kage is prolly his hair but ofc yubin is a whole lot different character and unique

    amanda April 27, 2017 11:42 am
    i'm an artist and i know how hurtful it is when people say that your characters look like others but... i can't even fight it, kageyama and the mc just... their faces look SO alike. they are not the same person... @Anonymous

    well im an artist too but i dont feel hurt if somebody compares mine OC with others but it might be different for every person...and this comment is actually just a joke because kageyama looks like an ultimate seme as haikyu chara but yubin is a uke looks so defenceless and cute. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧