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Like forreal

CAYMAN April 28, 2017 7:16 am

Why don't omegas carry mace (pepper spray)? Wouldn't that make things a bit more... logical?

    tokidoki April 28, 2017 7:54 am

    Logic - in yaoi? *snicker*

    TheMcNugget April 28, 2017 11:39 am

    I mean...omegas has been here for a long time (or at least in the stories) and everyone's saying that alphas are dangerous, blah blah blah, so why wouldn't anyone invent something that's more... yknow, alpha-resistant?

    Babzter April 28, 2017 1:24 pm

    As far as I understand...
    Omegas are genetically predisposed to be meek and non vicious.
    Alphas are too spoiled, too arrogant and top selfish to care (they are usually the privileged ones, you know)
    Betas are too mediocre and to used in following orders to do something about it.