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The real problem between whites and blacks in this country is cultural and not racial at ...

Anonymous May 28, 2017 8:40 pm

The real problem between whites and blacks in this country is cultural
and not racial at all. It was once upon a time when ignorant white
people saw blacks as less than human but that isn't the problem we have
today.Everywhere that Africans were taken or immigrated to except here
in the States they pretty much act like everyone else because they
assimilated into the culture there.Here they weren't welcomed or even
allowed to be a part of "American" culture for a long time after they
were freed. Believe it or not there were several countries that banned
slavery after the United States did and in some Arab countries they
still have black slaves although they keep it on the down low. Black
Americans developed a culture unique unto themselves as a result and it
has really been bad for the country as a whole. There is a lot of
resentment among blacks toward whites and it is somewhat justified. I
sometimes forget that my black freind's parents had to suffer through
segregation and Jim Crow laws but that doesn't mean I or anyone deserves
to be mistreated for things we had no part in.I was raised in the hood
and my parents weren't racist in the least but when we were older and
members of my family had been robbed at gunpoint(my father), mugged(my
grandmother), threatened(my mother and sister)assaulted(my cousin) and I
myself attacked while alone by four men, the elderly man next door and
his grown grandson both beaten severely in seperate incidents and my
grandmother's next door neighbor beaten to death in front of his kids
our attitudes changed because all of those things were done by black
people.We never thought of ourselves as victims,were scared, looked at
the black people we knew and loved any differently or treated blacks we
met later on differently but we know that we were targeted because we
are white.That is reality and anyone that says that shit doesn't happen
all across this country on a daily basis is a fool or a liar. Was all
that part of our "white privilege" or was it "social justice"? I have no
white man's guilt and I don't tippy toe around blacks in order to not
offend them. There is a very real problem in the black communities today
and it is all culture related, not racial. Blacks need to stop making
excuses for what is happening all around them and start attacking the
main issue which is respect or should I say the lack of respect that too
many people have for life,themselves or other people.It's the same
problem all races have within their ranks but among black Americans it
is rampant in terms of percentage of population. Boys that have self
respect don't become thugs, girls that have self respect don't lay down
with thugs and then either abort the child or raise more thugs and girls
that will lay down with thugs, thus continuing the cycle.What we have
now is not the dream that MLK had in mind! Lyndon Johnson said "I'll
have those niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years" when he
passed the civil rights bill. In the context he used it in meaning all
black people, he was mostly correct. Those that don't are called
horrible names and ostracized by their freinds and family. If someome
doesn't speak ebonics they "aren't really black" That's idiotic! I have a
freind in Camaroon without a drop of white blood in him that speaks 3
languages and not one of them is ebonics! Too many black people fight to
keep other black people down because they need them to stay ignorant in
order to not feel bad about themselves. Think individually and not
collectively, make up your own minds about what is best for yourself,
your families and for everyone else.There were once some white people
that did that, they were called Abolitionists and it was a dirty word
and they were hated for being different than everyone else. Sorry for
the rant. Respect yourself first, then respect other people no matter
what race and we will all be better for it! (that goes for EVERYONE!)
All the things I've stated apply to all humanity! I'm just sick of the
whole damn fighting amongst each other over skin color bullshit! Why
can't we just lump people into two groups, the good and the bad, and
have them fight each other for a change?

    Fellafriend May 28, 2017 9:03 pm

    Nice speech.
    I'm black and suffered/ suffering mobbing because of how I look, so normally I did grow a hate to white people.
    Later I got more and more white friends.
    I thought that the mobbing stopped, but it didn't.
    My ''friends'' started to make black jokes to. They thought they could because they had a black friend.
    But there is more.
    Even strangers I didn't know called me names and said that Germany is going to break down when there are more people like me.
    So my hate started to grow more and more.
    To the point where I thought that killing myself would be the best idea.
    But then I met that one girl, she is white. We fast became best friends.
    My hate didn't go away but it changed the direction.
    Not to white people but to the people who where mobbing me and still are.
    I think and every person needs someone who is opening there eyes. It's not from where you are but how you behave.
    I hope that everybody in this world will see this.

    Unoriginal Artist May 28, 2017 9:21 pm

    ....................uh...............I'm in America and I've never had any problems with someone from african descent or anything like that....I just really don't care about their race.....I go with if their nice good! If their mean ok! I'll just stay outta their way! I really don't pay much attention to their racial background because we're all here right now and what your mom dad Grandpa Grandma or any family member was or did doesn't matter because their not them. Their just themselves....if more people from african descent in your area are causing problems..... that's them not their culture or race....its either upbringing or the person themselves. I've had other people from Caucasian descent do worse things to me where I am rather than anyone from any other descent. (2 white high boys started shooting at me when I was walking home. A different boy asked me to dance at home coming as a bet)
    But that's just them not their race.

    chihaya312 May 28, 2017 10:05 pm

    Your whole fucking rant doesn't really add up mate... ofcourse we shouldn't judge people coz of skincolour, sexuality and appearance, but that "good and bad' thing is just fucking bullshit. And you say the problem we have is not racial but cultural while you have all the signs screaming "im a cowardass racist who doesnt want to admit he's racist and blames it on something other'. And all that 'self-respect'? We can all do whatever the hell we want as long as we don't hurt other people.(nice bit of sexism mixed in that bit too, cheers lad). What were those attack u were talking about, did all those fucking people you know bump into a poc or something? And by the fucking way i don't think that "if you dont speak ebonics, you aren't black", is really a serious thing or that black people try to keep other black people down because they wanna feel better about theirselves. Ya know maybe poc are just looking out for eachother because there's this big thing that can be kinda dangerous for poc, it's called 'racism'. And by the fucking way what part of developing your own unique culture is bad for a country? As long as you respect eachothers culture, it's all fine. All in all yeah ofcourse we shouldn't fight over race but your rant is fucking bullshit.

    p.s. what the fuck is up with your bloody lay out?

    pigglypoof May 28, 2017 11:08 pm

    For you to place the blame on what you perceive as African American culture is narrow minded and utterly ignorant.

    It's awfully hypocritical of you to claim that we should stop raising tensions between whites and blacks and to come together as one when you've done nothing but point out the wrongs in the African American community. Why not do justice to both and also point out what's with the white community? Honestly the only reason racial tensions are so high is because people of color have realized that they shouldn't continue tolerating our society as it is.

    Now, I do agree that no one should suffer for what others have done in past. What happened to you and your family is despicable and I absolutely don't support the people who've harmed you all. However, you cannot claim that because you're white and you've suffered injustices, "white privilege" is not real. That is a false equivalency.

    White privilege does not mean that white people don't suffer or have problems. White privilege addresses the idea that those who are or look white are more likely to get ahead in life than those with darker skin. Someone who looks white will never understand how it feels to be watched in every single store you walk into or to be stopped at the airport for a "random" search every time you catch a flight.

    And the problem is also NOT respect. It's so much more complicated than that. It's about economics, society, and even politics. If you really want to get into it, I suggest you take a college-level social science class devoted to race relations.

    takame May 28, 2017 11:20 pm

    I just want to remind you that this is an international site. there is plenty of us Asians as well as people in other parts of the world. I don't know if you. just copy-pasted it from somewhere or you really mean it but posting it here... hey snowflake I think you should start with yourself first? like who are you talking with when you said "this country?"

    last time I check it's never an issue here.