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So ...

tokidoki June 15, 2017 2:16 am

Who else is experiencing nasty weather right now? I am sitting here sweltering (though it is only 16C) under a tornado watch O.O.

What is it like where you are?

    reniedenie June 15, 2017 2:43 am

    perfect weather for meh

    tokidoki June 15, 2017 3:01 am
    perfect weather for meh reniedenie

    ( T﹏T )

    moan June 15, 2017 3:05 am

    Rain but always shine.. it's hella hot tho'

    Unoriginal Artist June 15, 2017 3:12 am

    Giant storms tornado warnings.....heat humidity

    Unoriginal Artist June 15, 2017 3:13 am

    Lol I must be near you! I'm in the upper US

    tokidoki June 15, 2017 3:29 am
    Lol I must be near you! I'm in the upper US Unoriginal Artist

    I am in Northern-ish Alberta, we have already had a funnel cloud just outside the city O.O duck and cover lads and lasses!

    Jaz June 15, 2017 3:31 am

    It was a lovely humid 95F (35C) today. This warm weather is so great it's been triggering my migraines. 3rd one in a week. Oh how I love summer (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Ice June 15, 2017 4:08 am

    I'd say I have good weather, but in my opinion it's very hot. 79 degrees Fahrenheit

    tokidoki June 15, 2017 4:11 am
    It was a lovely humid 95F (35C) today. This warm weather is so great it's been triggering my migraines. 3rd one in a week. Oh how I love summer (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Jaz

    Ah migraines, aren't they fun?

    justme June 15, 2017 4:15 am

    well it's about summer here and it's hot. besides that, i would like some snow.

    Anonymous June 15, 2017 4:26 am

    My country is 30+°C for the whole year. I am literally a roasted chicken rn

    *Light~* June 15, 2017 4:55 am

    16C is very cold for me. My place usually 27-35C the whole year

    yung_medusa June 15, 2017 4:59 am

    I live in gator country (aka Florida) and the air literally feels like soup it's so muggy

    tokidoki June 15, 2017 5:19 am
    16C is very cold for me. My place usually 27-35C the whole year *Light~*

    16C would be a nice spring day, but it is so muggy it is like the soup @yung_medusa described, maybe gazpacho? or borscht?

    Angel of Darkness June 15, 2017 6:02 am

    Nope it's hot as hell!?!

    *Light~* June 15, 2017 9:19 am
    16C would be a nice spring day, but it is so muggy it is like the soup @yung_medusa described, maybe gazpacho? or borscht? tokidoki

    I think i get what you mean, like the air is still and stagnant, it's difficult to breathe (><)
    Does it usually like this before a tornado?