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Chapter 34 script.

likalaruku June 21, 2017 10:02 am

All About Lust chapter 34.

T/N Have mercy on me guys, I'm working off Russian translations of a Korean series. & don't know Cyrillic. This comic uses 3 different fonts. This took me like 8 hours to translate this one chapter.

Jaehee: (эй,бом чхоль...) “Hey, Beom-Chul...”

Jaehee: (ты правда спишъ?) “Are you really going to write?”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (надо же, какой милый во сне...) “Wow, like a sweetheart out of a dream...”

Jaehee: (хоть когда-то прячет свои колючки.) “At least once he hides his thorns.”

Jaehee: “...”

(No dialogue on this page)

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (куза эмо молько чмо мои руки помянулись?) “How long did my hands spend feeling that body?”

Jaehee: (..япьян. пьян! пьян, ясказал!) “I'm drunk. Drunk! Drunk I tell you..”

Jaehee: (очень-очень пьян!!!) “Very very drunk!!!”

Jaehee: (всё, пора спать!!!) “It's time to sleep!!!”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (ааррртх!!!) “Aarrgh!”

Jaehee: (чуть не забыл... ...в душ ещё нужно сходить...) “I almost forgot... I still need to shower.”

? “...”

? “!..”

Jaehee: (что за фигня?) “What is this shit?”

Beomchul in other room: (какого чёрта...) “What the hell...”

Jaehee: “...”

Beomchul in other room: (я здесь делаю?!) “Am I doing here?!”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (чего это с ним?...) “What's with him?”

Jaehee: (пофиг, хочу баиньки...) “Don't care...Nighty night...”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (твою мааааааааааааааатъ) “Motherfuuuuuuuuuuker”

Jaehee: (аргх, кан бом чхоль... нам веаь на одну лекцию...) “Argh, Kang Beom-Chul... We still have Lectures today...”

Jaehee: (почему етот гад свалил, даже не разбудив?...) “Why did this bastard come over without waking me?...”

Jaehee: (ладно, фиг с ним... ) “Okay, to hell with him...”

Jaehee: (всё равно надо появиться на парах, дахе если и опоздаю...) “We still have to show up as a pair, damn if I'm late...”

Jaehee: (нет.) “No.”

Jaehee: (что-то тут не так...) “Something's not right...”

Beomchul: “...”

Beomchul: “...”

Beomchul: “...”

Beomchul: “...”

Beomchul: (тхааа!!!) “Haaa!”

Beomchul: (плед!) “Plaid?!”

Beomchul: (я им никогда не пользуюсь!) “I never wear it!”

Beomchul: (о.) “Oh.”

Beomchul: (вот кто меня накрылю.) “I'll cover him.”

Beomchul: (ну надо же, как мило с его стороны~) “Well it's necessary, how nice of him~”

Beomchul: (хотя самого чже хи милым не назовёшь.) “Jae-Hee is so not cute at all.”

Beomchul: (а с чего это я вообще здесь дрыхну?..) “But why am I even sleeping here?..”

Beomchul: (кьяяя!!!) “Gyaaa!”

Beomchul: (вот это взрыв на голове!!!) “Hehehe, this is blowing my mind!!!”

Beomchul: (боже мой, ну и ржач) “My goodness, lol.”

Beomchul: (волосы дыбом, как будто током шарахнуло) “Looks like your hair has some static shock.”

Beomchul: (хаха) “Haha.”

Beomchul: (хаа) “Haa...”

Beomchul: (чмо за хрень?) “WTF?”

Beomchul: (куза эмо молько чмо мои руки помянулись?) “How long did my hands spend feeling that body?”

Beomchul: (...япьян? пьян! пьян, ясказал!) “Am I drunk? Drunk! Drunk I tell you!”

Beomchul: (точно-мочно... просмо не промрезвел...) “I just... can't get sober...”

Beomchul: (алкоголь - зло... ещёи башка ом похмель ямрещим...) “Alcohol is evil.. This hangover is killing my head...”

Jaehee: (чтоб тебя, кан бом чхоль...) “Damn you, Kang Beom-Chul...”

Jaehee: (я никогда в жизни не опаздывал...) “I've never been late in my life...”

Teacher: (сделаем перерыв на 15 минут~) “Let's take a 15 minute break~”

Student: (хорошо, профессор~) “Okay, teacher.”

Jaehee: (ну и где этот придурок?) “Well, where is that moron?”

Jaehee: (ха? почему его здесь нет?) “Huh? Why is he not here?”

Jaehee: (в туалете засел, что ли?) “Did he fall in the toilet, or what?”

Teacher: (как вы можете видеть на этом слайде...) “As you can see on this slide...”

Teacher (в последнее время многие сми...) “Recently many people...”

Jaehee: “...”

Jaehee: (вом ведь алкашня недоделанная... ) “Because that drunkard never finished...”

Jaehee: (даже не соизволил явимься на лекции!!!) “He opted not to attend the lecture!!!”

Jaehee: (наверняка торчит в учебной комнате...) “This probably stands out in the classroom...”

Jaehee: (подожди, доберусь до теья...) “Just wait, I'll get you for this...”

Jaehee: (...именно так я думал, пока шёл сюда, но...) That's what I was thinking as I walked here, but...”

Sign: (учёбная комната малдших курсов) ::Tutorial Room::

Jaehee: (...на самом деле молько моя вина, умо проспал...) “...It's actually my fault I overslept...”

Jaehee: (и злиться на этого пьгньчужку нет причин.) “& there's no reason to be angry with that drunkard.”

Jaehee: (наверное, будет неловко, если зайду?) “Perhaps my coming here will be awkward?”

Jaehee: (ведь я не знаю никого с младших курсов...) “Since I don't know anyone in these junior courses...”

Jaehee: (ай, чёрт с ним.) “Ahh, hell with it.”

Jaehee: (просто поговорю с кан бом чхолем и свалю.) “I'll just talk with Kang Beom-Chul & leave.”

Jaehee: (где его место?) “What is this place?”

Jaehee: (во, здесь.) “Not here.”

Jaehee: (почему он не пришёл на занятия? где шляется?) “why did he not attend class? Where is he?”

Jaehee: (мм?) “Hm?”

Notes: (мемод киплинга или 5шю - последовамельная посмановка вопросов: кмо? чмо? когда? гае? как? почему? и подробных омвемов на них в рамках посмавленной задачи.) ::I can barely read this lower case font, & the translations didn't make a lick of sense to me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ::

Phone: (INSTTSGRRAM сейчас [JJ] “свободен сейчас?” проведите, чтобы прочитать) ::INSTAGRAM. Now. [JJ] “Are you free now?” Swipe to read::

Jaehee: “!..”

(продолжение следуем) ::To be continued::

(Russian scanlator's web address).

    likalaruku June 21, 2017 9:59 am

    Full script posted in here. If you wanna make the effort to actually type the translations onto the comic & upload them, be my guest.

    likalaruku June 21, 2017 10:06 am
    Full script posted in here. If you wanna make the effort to actually type the translations onto the comic & upload them, be my guest. likalaruku

    I guess I will work on chapter 35 tomorrow. Then I'm all out of Russian scans to work with.

    likalaruku June 21, 2017 10:14 am
    I guess I will work on chapter 35 tomorrow. Then I'm all out of Russian scans to work with. likalaruku

    Ah...I was wrong...Chapter 36 was just uploaded.

    Iridiuum June 21, 2017 2:28 pm

    dude, seriously, thank you so much

    likalaruku June 21, 2017 11:11 pm

    The next two chapters are really text-heavy & it's a massive time-suck, so I will just doi a page or two per day & release the scripts when they're done. BTW, this is a really good kenisthetic way to learn an alphabet & terms by translating the same word over & over again.

    Fer June 22, 2017 8:42 am

    So hey guys!
    A bit late, but I typed the script onto the comic!
    I hope you can visualize it correctly on Google Drive, but if not, please tell me about other image hosting websites where I can upload the whole comic so you all can read it comfortably.
    Here's the link!

    Fer June 22, 2017 8:45 am
    The next two chapters are really text-heavy & it's a massive time-suck, so I will just doi a page or two per day & release the scripts when they're done. BTW, this is a really good kenisthetic way to le... likalaruku

    You're being so nice. Tell me if you need help translating this comic! I found some resources that I think will help me translate it so if you're too busy, maybe i can help you out a bit.

    likalaruku June 22, 2017 11:03 am
    You're being so nice. Tell me if you need help translating this comic! I found some resources that I think will help me translate it so if you're too busy, maybe i can help you out a bit. Fer

    I suppose if we split the pages, we could get them out faster.

    morgan July 3, 2017 5:54 am
    So hey guys!A bit late, but I typed the script onto the comic!I hope you can visualize it correctly on Google Drive, but if not, please tell me about other image hosting websites where I can upload the whole co... Fer

    Thank you so so much! Really good chapter (=・ω・=) You two are awesome. Kudos to you.

    likalaruku July 3, 2017 6:01 am

    It's gonna take awhile guys. Sadly I don;t have the free time for any kind of release schedule.

    Guy92 July 27, 2017 2:21 am
    So hey guys!A bit late, but I typed the script onto the comic!I hope you can visualize it correctly on Google Drive, but if not, please tell me about other image hosting websites where I can upload the whole co... Fer

    Hey are you still doing this ???

    Guy92 July 27, 2017 2:21 am

    Hey are you still doing this ???

    Guy92 July 27, 2017 2:22 am

    Omg I'm sorry for that last thing I literally just started using this site sorry

    Lach November 13, 2017 4:59 am

    Where to find the chapter 34? Please help me