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pliease help mee!!!!!!!!!

Nana June 24, 2017 3:59 pm

for somebody that nkow what heapend in chapter 12 and 13 please give a spoiler
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    gu. June 24, 2017 4:13 pm

    Chapter 12 and 13 or volume 12 and 13 ??

    Nana June 25, 2017 5:21 am
    Chapter 12 and 13 or volume 12 and 13 ?? gu.


    gu. June 25, 2017 11:54 am

    In volume 12 kuichi ayase's friend will find about his whole relationhship with kanou and the debt matter and he will see them having sex and after they notice him he will ask ayase : are u dating him ?? Ayase will say : i think yes !! And this is will make kanou so happy and after that he will go in a date with ayase and a police that both of them were a child and a kidnapper so he will ask them about their relationship but ayase will say : he's someone nice i live with so kanou will become so dissapointed and when they come back home kanou tries to touch ayase but ayase reject it so kanou will attack him but when ayase will hug him he will just leave him and ask him why he said that ayase wil answer that kanou never said they were dating..... then kanou will remember that instead of telling ayase about his feelings he always forced him to have sex

    gu. June 25, 2017 11:59 am

    So when kanou will find nothing to say ayase will say : it's great that us being dating wasn't my imagination .. i'm happy
    So kanou will hug him after he decided to do the right thing and say : will u date me
    Ayase will reply : yes !! Take care of me here u find the raws and extras

    gu. June 25, 2017 12:27 pm
    Volume Nana
    I spoiled here volume 13

    Nana June 25, 2017 2:26 pm
    In volume 12 kuichi ayase's friend will find about his whole relationhship with kanou and the debt matter and he will see them having sex and after they notice him he will ask ayase : are u dating him ?? Ayase... gu.

    nice. thank you so much im really happy now. and just jumped from my chair after you tell me all of this (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Lulu June 26, 2017 9:39 am I spoiled here volume 13 gu.

    GU YOU ARE A GODDESS!!!!!!!!!! <3 Right now this is all only in my imagination. I cant wait for the day we get to read the english translations T U T (though I hope its not 10 years later)

    gu. June 26, 2017 6:16 pm
    GU YOU ARE A GODDESS!!!!!!!!!! <3 Right now this is all only in my imagination. I cant wait for the day we get to read the english translations T U T (though I hope its not 10 years later) Lulu

    i am not a goddess i am only a mafia of spoilers i just love telling spoilers (≧∀≦) althought i am so happy cuz this is back alive again i only cannot trust the futur and i am scared that they might stop again so since i love this i must work myself for it (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    gu. June 27, 2017 6:05 pm
    GU YOU ARE A GODDESS!!!!!!!!!! <3 Right now this is all only in my imagination. I cant wait for the day we get to read the english translations T U T (though I hope its not 10 years later) Lulu

    plus everyone can become a god if he search in the internet