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Who will confess first? Translator, update pleaseeee

MissManga November 9, 2017 5:54 pm

I want to know what gonna happen next. Will Mio find the courage to confess? Or will Shino shove him up against the wall?
I didn't understand why people slut shaming Mio. He slept with only one person in the manga. He said he had several partners but we didn't see them (is it true?) So why people insult him. I admit that it is frustrating when you read a manga and one of the MC slept with another man when he clearly has feelings for someone else but it's not as if he had cheated on him (we read all the pov, we're reading their thoughts, which is obviously not the case for the MCs) Communication is important in a relationship regardless of his nature. Mio is clearly afraid to confess his feelings to his friend and lose him if he doesn't love him back. For now, He has the right to live his life as they choose.
