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Because they love each other...

Rae September 23, 2017 2:10 pm

I don't know why Mona is surprised that Simon still wants to marry Connor because of this so called "pregnancy" People who love each other find ways to work it out. Just because of a "baby" doesn't mean that they can't be together. Plus, he said he wore a condom (I mean, sure things happen and they can break) but she doesn't have a pregnancy bump yet and that was a while ago when they had sex. Um, major red flag!

    Momi September 23, 2017 2:22 pm

    Totally agree - i cannot wait to be clear of Veronica and her lies. Maybe she has good intentions, but she is soooo clearly psychologically disturbed. And I think Mona is just a really open, blunt person. Shes just trying to look out for her friends

    HellsQuerube September 23, 2017 3:14 pm

    Kids ain't happy when their parents stay together for them with no love. She can have her baby, he can take care of the baby and be a good husband to Simon. They deserve happiness