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Hello i have a question I have searched it in a Google but couldn't understand well and I ...

Anonymous September 26, 2017 7:03 am

Hello i have a question I have searched it in a Google but couldn't understand well and I don't have any other place to ask so please bear with me what exactly is this illuminati the third eye is?

    KyoZaNa✿ September 26, 2017 7:33 am

    Where did see it then?

    Itzarit September 26, 2017 7:34 am

    I want to see if someone actually replies to this lmfaooo

    justpassingby September 26, 2017 8:18 am

    i guess it's about the Egypt thing and that all seeing eye. Well there's this different kind of "world creation" stories in every country, beliefs, religion, etc. As far as I can remember the All seeing eye, that one eye, is from the Egyptian version. He is kind of like a high level god, might be the one who created everything. there's this point when one of his child, (or both of them, i dont remember it well) has run away and he have to look for them, (being the all seeing eye and all)

    Anonymous September 26, 2017 11:55 am

    Illuminati is a secret society that rules over the world behind the curtain. There are many aspects to them and one is this seeing all eye. Eye of Horus. If you are after opening your own third eye. I advise you not to do that being ignorant like these 4 thumbs down people and looking at lustful images is better.especially if your are a teenager. You can use youtube too. There good articles there.