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Help me find this yaoi

acornholic September 26, 2017 10:41 am

Hello guys, sorry I don't remember much. There were two guys maybe classmate and they always argued, I remember a scene were at night they were sleeping in the same room with other classmates (maybe they were in a trip in summer village near the sea or maybe was just an onsen, I don't know, I think was their work in one of this places). At night they were close (uke and seme) and uke was very flustered (or was seme) so he got up and went to the bathroom (or another room) where seme came to him, in the same room they did "things" and then other friends next morning were asking if they had an argument again. That's all comes to my mind. The presence of a beach is certain (but was just one chapter I believe)
I hope someone can help me if har read something similar, maybe it's the same I'm searching for.
