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Help me... Im soooo desperate... pls... give me advice,tips, recommendations what should ...

Help me. September 26, 2017 10:57 am

Help me... Im soooo desperate...

pls... give me advice,tips, recommendations what should i do?? Im trying so hard to get thinner. BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO. How do i loose weight, how do i boost my metabolism HOW DO I GET HEALTHIER?! This is draining me so much.. SO MUCHH. I dont know what to do.. The first tip people give to me to boost my metabolism is to eat more BITCH I FEEL LIKE SHIT EATING A SPOON OF RICE HOW TF DO I EAT 3 MORE MEALS THAN I ALREADY DO?! Eating 2 meals a day doesent make me loose or gain weight SO HOW DO YOU THINK ADDING 3 MORE MEALS WOULD MAKE ME LOOSE WEIGHT?! Ive been trying to exercise, so far it isnt even doing anything but just stress me out. Im so desperate to the point where i tell people this problem of mine, SOMETHING I DONT EVEN WANT TO DO!! BUT I HAVE NO GODDAMN CHOICE BUT TO TAKE THE SHAME! CAUSE IVE BECOME SO DESPERATE!!!! ╥﹏╥

Its so unfair.. I hate it so much.. I hate how I have to hide myself and become anonymous because i feel so shameful.. I dont know what to do... Pls pls help me..

    NJVKYMJH September 26, 2017 11:08 am

    Find something that interests you. Like sports, dancing etc. Drink a lot of water so that your mind will think that you're already full enough and don't have to eat as much plus, drinking a lot of water helps to boost your metabolism. You should at least drink 8 glasses of water everyday if you want to see the results fast.

    Clearbluesky September 26, 2017 11:12 am

    Hey. Look up ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. It's all sience and it work.
    Alll that talk about eating 3-5 meals a day is bullshit. Good luck x

    Uglycanary September 26, 2017 11:13 am

    I suggest seeing a doctor or nutritionist. He will not only be able to tell you if you actually need to lose weight, but also help you find the right way to do so if you really need to. To everyone else reading this question: please don't come up with ways and suggestions to lose weight, you will probably do more harm than good.

    yixi September 26, 2017 11:20 am

    i dont really know but i know you sure as hell shouldnt eat less because thats NOT yood for you. just make sure you know what youre taking in, dont eat fatting or sugary foods. try eating more fruits n vegetables. also drink lots of water

    yixi September 26, 2017 11:22 am
    i dont really know but i know you sure as hell shouldnt eat less because thats NOT yood for you. just make sure you know what youre taking in, dont eat fatting or sugary foods. try eating more fruits n vegetabl... yixi

    good* fattening* i cant spell

    YuzukiMikage September 26, 2017 11:30 am

    Eating won't do you much because I suffer from anorexia due to fast metabolism. Whenever I eat more I get thin.
    I recommend that you'll eat tofu or papaya.

    minna-san September 26, 2017 11:48 am
    Eating won't do you much because I suffer from anorexia due to fast metabolism. Whenever I eat more I get thin. I recommend that you'll eat tofu or papaya. YuzukiMikage

    How do you get a fast metabolism?

    (side note im not the one who asked the question i just wanna know too lol)

    YuzukiMikage September 26, 2017 12:06 pm
    How do you get a fast metabolism?(side note im not the one who asked the question i just wanna know too lol) @minna-san

    Nah I got it naturally. It actually depends on the atmosphere you grow up in and how much food you consume in a lifetime.

    Fullmoontoni September 26, 2017 12:29 pm

    You won t lose weight until you get to know your body. I suggest to try and measure your weight every day and keep in your mind at least a diary on your diet. For fast metabolism I drink green tea. The first step it should be to elliminate thr excess of sugar, salt, fats, bread, alcohool, sodas. Eat cleaner and you will breath easier too. And for exercise you don t need to fuss much over it. Just do abs and squats, adding every day the sets and you will be fine.
    Loosing weight doesn t happen suddently. You will feel results over time. Only if you are patient and actually follow you will be victorious. You are not the only one trying.
    You will notice that your weight will fluctuate from one day to another and you will just follow the best way for you. I usually notice results after 1 week. Then you will also notice that a week before getting your period you will eat more and then after your period you will lose weight more easily.

    Fullmoontoni September 26, 2017 12:31 pm

    And don t feel ashamed. Learn to live with yourself.

    justpassingby September 26, 2017 1:42 pm

    i usually go on diet coz i need my clothes to fit me. (dont have much money to buy new one) but i dont really termed it as diet, I refer "healthy eating."

    but first of all you must have DISCIPLINE. If you can't, you should just stop thinking about getting thinner.

    but if you think you can, then you could. Anyway, that's the first step to success; DISCIPLINE.

    now you need to remember that your STOMACH is only as big as your FIST. SO you need to take consideration about the space your stomach can only take. Remember, size. of. fist.

    so, i am also one of those with "slow metabolism" i get fat easily, too, and rice, or any carbohydrates is one of the reason. Carbohydrates produces 'energy' that needs to be used; if not, it becomes fat, and when it does, you get fat. --well as far as i know.

    so you need to lessen your rice or any food consisting carbohydrates. In my case, I dont eat rice anymore, but i make sure to eat a 'disciplined'(remember the fist) amount of vegetables and the what we call, white meats; white meats are fish meats or chicken meats. those are rich of fibers. fibers are helpful, they are good for digestions, and fast digestion is like, "since it wont stay long inside my body, it wont become fats. fats wont build up. therefore, i will not get fat. "

    You know that, eat like a king at break fast, eat like a queen at lunch, and eat like a beggar at dinner? that's true. and it's also true that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" you need to have enough "energy" to used for a day. then, lesser at lunch. least at dinner.

    what's more. another important thing is WARM WATER. you should treat WARM WATER as your best friend. drink a lot of warm water everyday. it cleanse your body and also helps for digestion. when you feel like what you have eaten is not enough and you still want more, but you really have EATEN ENOUGH. JUST. DRINK. WATER. Why warm? cold drinks builds up fats on your belly. some pet owners make their pets drink cold water so their pets could get fat. so you NEED TO AVOID COLD DRINKS.

    and again, DISCIPLINE.

    so that's it. Happy disciplined and healthy eating.

    LaughingAardvark September 26, 2017 1:44 pm

    You didn't say how much weight you think you need to lose so here is general stuff from my many years of experience.
    Eating more meals per day means eating several small snacky meals, not regular meals. Fasting lowers your metabolism because your body thinks, 'Hey, I'm starving. Better hoard these calories.' You also shouldn't completely cut out fats because you need a certain amount for your body to function properly. Checking with a doctor for advice for a balanced diet would be a good idea.
    For exercise you need to do a variety, cardio, stretching, toning, weights, that sort of thing. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Walking is also really good exercise. Strapping weights to various parts of your body when you exercise will help. Also wearing a heavy but well balanced backpack when walking is good. Carrying extra weight when you exercise burns more calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even at rest.
    When it comes to weighing yourself, don't do it every day. That will just drive you crazy. You weight goes up and down during the day depending on how recently you ate, how much you drank, going to the bathroom etc. I actually recommend not weighing yourself at all. Muscle weighs more than fat so you might think you are not losing fat when what you are doing is gaining muscle. If you are overweight, measuring around your waist, hips, thighs, arms, etc. This will give you a baseline. Because muscle is more compact than fat it won't show up as much when measuring as it does when weighing.
    So basically for health you need a diet that has all the proper nutrients in it. Start exercise slowly so you don't hurt yourself. You won't want to exercise if you're in pain. And be kind to yorself.

    Yukio Takamiya September 26, 2017 3:07 pm

    As some people above has said, losing weight is all about discipline as well as time. Be patient, rome isn't built in a day as the saying goes.

    First of all, dieting isn't about eating less, in fact that's just gonna make you fall sick. 'Dieting' as people put it is eating healthy, do not decrease the amount of food drastically compared to what you are eating now by the way. Your stomach needs to slowly get used to eating less and decreasing your food intake by alot will just make you hungry quickly and possibly give you gastric pains.

    What I will recommend for you to start with is 3 litres of water a day. You have to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and trust me, by drinking water, you won't feel that much of an urge to eat. Avoid oily and deep fried foods or any food that contains high calories. And yes, as someone above has mentioned, avoid carbs, food like rice, noodles, bread, wheat and potatoes especially, do not take them. I recommend vegetables obviously and LEAN meat. Meat is definitely a must in your diet, never avoid meat because you think it'll add on to your weight, it helps to repair your muscles after exercise to prevent soreness. But not too much either, my recommendation would be for it to be half of your veggies portion, be mindful of the way it's cooked too.

    As for exercising, an hour of jogging thrice a week would be sufficient if you maintain the above diet. Do not give in to temptation in regards to food, your efforts would have gone to waste then, it's all about DISCIPLINE. Also, I believe someone above has mentioned this. Muscle is very compressed and is 3 times the weight of fat despite taking less space, so I suggest not weighing yourself cause that would just depress you when you ARE actually losing fat. Try to look at your overall figure instead.

    Lastly, if you're looking to 'shape up' after losing weight, as in get yourself a better figure, I recommend doing some research on aerobic exercises you can do to give yourself a better figure.^^ Good luck and I wish you all the best!:)

    Anonymous September 26, 2017 3:41 pm

    Don't listen to any of this advise. you did not say anything abt. your age or present weight, for all we know you could be at the right weight for your already. How much do you weight? how old are you?

    PrinceVegeta September 26, 2017 3:59 pm

    Hey dude. It depends on a person, but there are a lot of options. About food, it's good if you eat little amounts of food through a whole day. So your metabolism is working nonstop.
    About working out, HIIT is the best, because exercise should not be 1 hour of repeating same stuff over and over, but short periods of intense workout spread throughout the day. If you just do push-ups and stuff like that, you will only gain muscle under the fat. And also running is not really good, makes you loose muscle.
    To me counting calories really helped. Basically 7,700 kcal is 1kg. So if you eat 1500 kcal in a day and loose 2500 kcal in the same day, in the end of the week you will loose 1kg. And that's more then enough, you shouldn't loose more. Calories burned calculator:
    You're probably stressed out because you don't eat enough. You can eat as many vegetables as you want. One tomato is around 16 kcal, basically nothing. Fruit can get higher in calories, so beware of that.
    If you don't feel full after a meal, drink 2 cups of water before one. And yeah, you should drink a loooot of water.
    Also, you have to eat fat to loose fat. Seriously, only vegetables aren't going to cut it. An occasional steak will do you good. Beware of rice, pasta, bread.
    And weed. Nothing else burns fat as fast as weed. But yeah, I don't really like the feeling of being high, so I was counting calories. And if you are really stressed, it's better if you eat a bit of chocolate, stress hurts your weight loosing more than that chocoloate ever will.

    YuzukiMikage September 26, 2017 9:47 pm
    Don't listen to any of this advise. you did not say anything abt. your age or present weight, for all we know you could be at the right weight for your already. How much do you weight? how old are you? @Anonymous

    Coming from someone who is really rude. She said healthier so she probably is a little obese. There are cases with people who are obese and cant become thinner or else they'd be dead..