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I just want to know if there's somebody like me that likes to read first the last chapter ...

SuperCyclone October 13, 2017 8:43 pm

I just want to know if there's somebody like me that likes to read first the last chapter of manga before the first chap or read the first chapter the last chapter the middle chapter?

    kuos_kinomoto October 13, 2017 8:51 pm

    hmm sometimes for mangas which I ain't sure are worth reading or if something happened in the manga that caught my interest and I only want to read that specific part.

    miusaski October 13, 2017 8:56 pm

    wtf i thought i was the only one ( ̄∇ ̄")

    I do that with literally almost all manga (anime, too)
    Like i'll be like is this worth my time and skip to the end and if it looks interesting i'll go back to the beginning LOL

    SuperCyclone October 13, 2017 9:33 pm
    wtf i thought i was the only one ( ̄∇ ̄")I do that with literally almost all manga (anime, too) Like i'll be like is this worth my time and skip to the end and if it looks interesting i'll go back to the be... miusaski

    Same as me but i usually skip it to the end if it interesting LOL

    SuperCyclone October 13, 2017 9:34 pm
    hmm sometimes for mangas which I ain't sure are worth reading or if something happened in the manga that caught my interest and I only want to read that specific part. kuos_kinomoto

    I never do that, reading a specific part LOL

    Anonymous October 13, 2017 9:47 pm

    Kinda. I spoil myself on purpose by reading the middle or end first because I want to make sure it's not annoying. If there's a bunch of rival nonsense, misunderstandings, and drama I most likely end up dropping it or at least waiting until things shape up if it seems deserving of a chance. For the ones I didn't do this for I regret it so much. :S

    takame October 13, 2017 10:01 pm

    i'm like that in novels but not in manga. idk, my reading habit is weird like that. i hate skipping pages/chapters in manga. i even reread/repeat pages sometimes. meanwhile, i immediately want to know what's going to happen in novels i skip at the end then after satisfying myself, i'd go back to where i last left.

    takame October 13, 2017 10:03 pm
    i'm like that in novels but not in manga. idk, my reading habit is weird like that. i hate skipping pages/chapters in manga. i even reread/repeat pages sometimes. meanwhile, i immediately want to know what's g... takame

    but maybe it's got to do with the novels i read that are 300 to 1000 pages jampacked with words in compare to 175-something pages of pictures with little texts...

    Rae October 13, 2017 10:14 pm
    i'm like that in novels but not in manga. idk, my reading habit is weird like that. i hate skipping pages/chapters in manga. i even reread/repeat pages sometimes. meanwhile, i immediately want to know what's g... takame

    Same here, I do it with novels but not with mangas.

    Mangas I hardly ever skip. The only time is if I'm not feeling it but the comments/whoever recommended it swears it's good, so Ill try to find the point "It gets good" (which 90% is when the sex scene occurs lmao)

    Pacgirl October 13, 2017 11:23 pm

    I do the same. For example if it's a really long manga. I'll skip to the end and maybe look at one to three pages. Then go back to the start.
    Or if I didn't do that and I'm reading from the beginning but it's taking a long time for key plot elements to progress. Sometimes I'll go straight to the end to see if that changes, or go 5 chapters over. (This usually happens for me in long romance mangas)