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Trying to find a yaoi manga PLEASE HELP

Biz October 18, 2017 1:50 am

I'm trying to find this boy x boy manga where these two guys are dating and the uke has liked the seme since high school (or university I can't really remember) but in school the seme was always hanging out with this guy and a lot of people believed that the seme and him were together. So, fast forward, and they're dating now but suddenly that same best friend of the seme comes back into his life and the uke is feeling really insecure about it. So, he ends up leaving him because he finds something or sees something (i cant really remember once again) he thinks is incriminating......... untiiiiill, finally the situation is resolved because the seme tracks the uke down and explains the situation to him

    Biz October 18, 2017 5:27 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Fudyo Xi

    thank you so much!