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everyone have there own opinion n this is mine i HATE the story expecially with the sex fr...

Rozen May 6, 2014 11:47 am

everyone have there own opinion n this is mine i HATE the story expecially with the sex friends n stuff yea i get it ur desperate with sex n all but seriously! u got a freakin lover already he got jealous about the sex friend n stuff but c'mon how come ur still soooo close with ur sex friend when u obviously know ur lover is jealous if it was me i would totally already dump that pilot son of a bitch hes so fucking heartless n there was no fucking love at all it was just plainly sex FUCKING HATE IT
-this whole manga just shows how lowly a gay person is n thats why i HATE IT A LOT!!!
this is my opinion on it

    Usako May 30, 2014 3:53 pm

    How lowly a gay person is? I was in a hetero sex friends relationship with someone for 3 years (we didn't see each other often). Well, it was unrequited love on my part, but I knew I'd never get anything other than sex from him. The worst part, is he knew how I felt about him. At the end, when I finally got the nerve to dump his ass (after the birth of the baby he created when he climbed into the bed of his "roommate"), he claimed he was hurt too (WTF???). So yeah, GAY has nothing to do with being crappy sex friends.

    maimai June 11, 2014 6:32 am

    If you hate it, then DON'T READ IT!!!. Very simple right!?

    Evilcleo July 26, 2014 3:40 am

    that's the thing about "sex friends." There is no monogamy expected, and if u can't handle that, you shouldn't be in such a situation.

    Judo August 31, 2014 4:10 am

    And this comment of yours show how lowly and dumb you must be to generalise a group of people. Don't lump everyone into a category, you goat.

    marry November 18, 2014 1:40 am
    How lowly a gay person is? I was in a hetero sex friends relationship with someone for 3 years (we didn't see each other often). Well, it was unrequited love on my part, but I knew I'd never get anything other ... @Usako

    thank you so much for your response. i got so mad when i read "how lowly a gay person is" comment. i personally don't have any experience with being in a FWB relationship but two of my close friends were but unlike you situation neither of them had feelings for the other so they are still friends even after deciding not to no longer having sex

    carbo21 November 20, 2014 9:11 pm

    If you don't like "how lowly a gay person is" why the hell are you reading yaoi? Isn't being gay a point of this manga? Heteros also participate in FTF relationships. Are they lowly too?

    silverdragon78 February 16, 2015 6:58 am

    comments like this irritate the hell out of me, if you don't like a certain manga ok. no problem. want to comment ok.. no need to bash a whole group. simply say yeah it sucked. easy enough!

    I on the other hand didn't mind it at all, I like the art and it was not boring. good read.:)

    ZemZem March 9, 2017 1:30 pm

    This comment made me laugh. Ever since I'm 10 I read such Manga, and there are few that had the same plot with the sex friend but boy 1 fall with another guy and boy 2 and boy 1 is still friends till boy 2 gets a lover then the boyfriend of the boy 1 will stop getting jealous. Same plot, same plot.

    And Yes, I didn't like the story that much but to my opinion, the plot is only lacking something. I read many comments about how bad some manga is,

    But this is the first time I saw a comment IN a YAOI manga about how GAY people are LOW.

    Himeowchama January 17, 2018 9:27 am

    I almost agreed with u until you said the lowly person part zzz