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Let me explain this manga why left with no ending so people here won't be angry (and Autho...

Mizuki May 21, 2014 4:01 pm

Let me explain this manga why left with no ending so people here won't be angry (and Author Please correct me if I am wrong); First Story left at the hospital with "I will Hatasu" means they won't live together in a house but he will visit him, relationship should be together in the end Because his friend tell his girlfriend with whom he staying at this period of time. As for Second story it is a cliff-hanger but I would like to explain this too (Author please correct me if I am wrong) Tittle is "Only You" so his heart whether Sei would return his love or not that's too is a choice but as long as he say out loud his love for Sei he is happy. To make everyone understand this manga this is base on my personal years of experience in reading mangas. Hope everyone will be happy with my explanation.
