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These two guys are so cute!! I like this story and looking forward to reading Yellow 2!! ...

dorishpp May 23, 2014 8:20 pm

These two guys are so cute!! I like this story and looking forward to reading Yellow 2!! I was so glad when Taki and Goh finally got together as a couple!! I also liked Katsuro Taki's gardian when he was young the way he stood up to Mizuki on Taki's behalf saying just because Mizuki got a sex change doesn't mean Taki would fall for her and to just let Taki go!!! He is the one who acted like he was Taki's parent the most!! I say if you love someone you don't keep him as a prisoner!! Plus I don't think Katsuro would let anyone kill Taki because he cares for him as a father!! I liked the ending!! I also like the art work but the love scenes could have been better more explicit and longer being the perv I am ha ha ha!!! thx D
