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Yikes people, calm down and listen. Momo gives off a very strong scent that is like a dru...

Puppet Master-sama June 17, 2014 6:19 pm

Yikes people, calm down and listen. Momo gives off a very strong scent that is like a drug to men. When they smell it it's like a dog who smells a female going into heat only thing is Momo doesn't want to do it with them. The only way for it to stop is until she meets the one she loves and does it with them. So she is not a slut it's just the action of man happening.

    really? July 23, 2014 12:30 am

    And she lets them, blushes, and moans when the touch her. She sure seems like she wants it. If she doesn't want it she should shove them off with all her might and say "Dont touch me! I hate it!"

    tarlouza September 1, 2016 11:43 pm
    And she lets them, blushes, and moans when the touch her. She sure seems like she wants it. If she doesn't want it she should shove them off with all her might and say "Dont touch me! I hate it!" @really?

    you are right !!!!!!!