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Are they dead Or.Not ?

Anonymous August 13, 2014 2:27 pm

Are they dead Or.Not ?

    Magnolia August 13, 2014 4:20 pm

    No, they aren't. They both escaped. They are shown in the last chapter living somewhere next to the sea (which one, the mangaka doesn't say), and sword got a haircut. Apparently, there has a been a deal made with the infiltrated FBI agent. Helping them escape was sword's condition to help him get the warden caught red-handed. Absolutely fantastic manga with good ending. Sen and Sword are just my favorite couple ever.

    Gandy69 August 29, 2014 11:43 am

    Yes, it looks like they did escape from UGH and is living with new identity on a tropic beach...

    Gandy69 August 29, 2014 11:47 am
    No, they aren't. They both escaped. They are shown in the last chapter living somewhere next to the sea (which one, the mangaka doesn't say), and sword got a haircut. Apparently, there has a been a deal made wi... @Magnolia

    I like Sward's new haircut,much better then those dreadlocks that i thought it might get tangle during their passionate sex.
    I wonder what happen to slutty Norman. That's why a much needed sequel is due.