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Shou is a bad person, childish, capricious, cruel, and narcissistic, but I can't hate him ...

Anonymous November 18, 2014 12:13 am

Shou is a bad person, childish, capricious, cruel, and narcissistic, but I can't hate him because he is so freaking funny, and I can't help but admire his self-confidence. I don't think it's just arrogance, because he makes good music, and even if he was a little master, he still left his home to pursue his dream in a solo carrear, and is achieving his goals at a very young age. Also, and please don't hate me because for saying this, but Kyoko was the one who spoiled him the most, followed him as a loyal puppy and granted his every wish, and maybe that attitude was a little pityful and annoying. Oviously, it's not Kyoko's fault that he took adventage of her love, deceived her, and was the worst childhood friend ever, but considering Shou's personality, she encouraged him to abuse her kindness, and she never told him when she was sad, or ask him to help her too. The truth is, the main reason I like Shou (not with Kyoko, but as a character) is because I want to believe that she was in love with him during her allchildhood because he has good qualities appart his pretty face and voice (that we don't know because he's the antagonist of the story and an inmature brat), and not because Kyoko was lonely, blind, naive and needed to love or be loved with desesperation.

    Anonymous December 2, 2014 7:50 am

    i think you are right. he definitely has some good points that he seldom shows. For once when kyoko played the angel in is video he remembered her cryng as child cause of her mum. and he worried for her and couldnt stand her cryng. i thought it was kinda sweet how he doesnt know what he has to do when he sees her cryng. when we compare it to the other girl he calls pochi(forgott her name) when she cries he comforts her well. just kyokos tears make him panick. that kind how shows that he always really cared for her. in his own very bratty way and maybe without realizing how much. in the arc where kyoko is stalked for the first time from the beagle guy sho realizes how much kyoko can make him relax and laugh. so i think he beginss to fall for her not only cause she changed but that he realized he needs her to be really happy. so i like him too. of course i still want her absolutely with ren and will be enyoing shos struggle ;)

    Anonymous February 23, 2015 4:18 am
    i think you are right. he definitely has some good points that he seldom shows. For once when kyoko played the angel in is video he remembered her cryng as child cause of her mum. and he worried for her and cou... @Anonymous

    I'm happy you think like I do :) Maybe if Shou falls in love with Kyoko for real, and has his heartbroken (because she's in love with Ren), he will learn to respect women and matures and becomes a better man. I hope that happens, so in the future he could do beautiful/meaningful music and could falls in love the right way. (I also wish he helps her with her mother)