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its's obvious that motoharu is still in love or thinks of akira but do u think akira still...

Anonymous November 30, 2014 10:48 pm

its's obvious that motoharu is still in love or thinks of akira but do u think akira still thinks of or is still in love with motoharu? also what happened to motoharu. Is he alone or is he with someone new now?

    Kaneki.Ken December 26, 2014 7:50 am

    Motoharu is the professer but im pretty sure he isn't with someone

    RiriRaRin January 2, 2015 6:17 pm

    I think Akira still thinks of him. In Hana no Mizo it is shown that they kept in touch and (from here on are just my speculations) things are ok between them, however Akira kept his duties as a husband (and grandfather eventually). But I think deep down, Motoharu would always be his love.