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Is there anyone in this fandom who does NOT like AxA?

KellBell December 17, 2014 1:46 pm

Is there anyone in this fandom who does NOT like AxA?

    Anonymous December 17, 2014 3:07 pm

    some bitches called yamiga and lidsworth

    Suze December 18, 2014 5:14 pm

    Why are they bitches just cos they dislike AxA?

    anon December 24, 2014 7:42 am

    why yamiga? her all AXA fnadoms may not complete and happy ending but they are not bad. well recently she is writing tokyo ghoul

    Anonymous December 24, 2014 10:08 am
    why yamiga? her all AXA fnadoms may not complete and happy ending but they are not bad. well recently she is writing tokyo ghoul @anon

    She's writing Tokyo Ghoul? I din't know that. thx!

    Yukia December 24, 2014 1:08 pm
    some bitches called yamiga and lidsworth @Anonymous

    man u are so small minded.Its not that they dislike AxA.its just because they like to write angst.and their stories are great!!though many of them is still not finished~

    Anonymous December 24, 2014 3:21 pm
    why yamiga? her all AXA fnadoms may not complete and happy ending but they are not bad. well recently she is writing tokyo ghoul @anon

    she was dealing with issues. over teh summer one of her close family members got diagnosed with cancer. two months later her close friend lost his mom to cancer. during those time she said she lost all inspiration for writing VF.

    Yukia December 25, 2014 8:52 am
    she was dealing with issues. over teh summer one of her close family members got diagnosed with cancer. two months later her close friend lost his mom to cancer. during those time she said she lost all inspirat... @Anonymous

    so thats why~I really love both yamiga's and lidsworth's story.Its an unavoidable to have a writer block.Their story is different than the others with such great ideas on the plots.the drama that can make u cry and reread it again.yeah,never tired of their works.they are awesome!!hope they able to continue on their stories.