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Akiharu88 January 6, 2015 12:14 am

For some reason i was annoyed..... probably cause they just met and fell in love and im sitting here alone in the dark like the loner i am ugh even my best friend has a boyfriend and yes he was my crush but it can't be helped when they both liked each other and that was the second time she took the guy i liked ugh! but i guess i wasn't seriously in love with them otay ummm RANT OVER

    Pandacorns312524 May 27, 2015 1:22 am

    Well that honestly sucks the same happen to me now i dream of anime guys and korean drama coming to life and marrying ah... my imagation(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Akiharu88 May 27, 2015 2:38 am

    YAAAAAAAAAAAS I UNDERSTAND. At first I was like: wat...... then i am now like: -melts, jumps from an airplane, barfs rainbows- and a lot of other stuff. The thing is that my best friend is the shy quiet nice type and im kind of the opposite idk but im over it now even though sometimes she asks if im still okay with it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Painful tears May 29, 2015 8:47 am
    YAAAAAAAAAAAS I UNDERSTAND. At first I was like: wat...... then i am now like: -melts, jumps from an airplane, barfs rainbows- and a lot of other stuff. The thing is that my best friend is the shy quiet nice ty... Akiharu88

    I totally know how u feel.....

    Akiharu88 May 30, 2015 3:30 am

    my brothren xD the only thing now is that im positive most of the time and the rest im negative nancy or something but anime and manga is always there for me so im happy~<3 WHO NEEDS 3D