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Thank you

akuma_river January 6, 2015 1:53 pm

Praise be to everyone on here for giving me links that allowed me to continue to read the novel.

I just read what was scanlated on the manhua (sp?) and I needed to know more so I went searching. I found Asiaisaru's wonderful, detailed, and footnoted translations and then worried about not finding the others. Especially considering how it's been since updates.

Thanks to all of you now I can finish this up in a few hours. I really want to know what goes horribly bad for a few chapters that Redturtle95 translated and the good stuff that luxiufer got that they commented on in their blog.

It's taken me a while to find the translations (LJ archives, thank you) but I'm good to go.

Again, thank you all. Especially you wonderful translators and summary writers.
