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Woah! I'm just like wide-eyed by the end of this chapter. So Mikasa is both Asian and an A...

addy January 9, 2015 12:35 pm

Woah! I'm just like wide-eyed by the end of this chapter. So Mikasa is both Asian and an Ackerman yes, then that makes her really a rare one. Kenny should have killed Reiss. Tch.
I don't know what will Historia do, she definitely transformed into a titan but I firmly believe she won't eat Eren. They can work together. But Eren thinking of all those depressing things will not help in the slightest. He's resolve is wavering! Hey! Where was your belief and goal to help humanity win?! Eren badly needs a thorough shaking.
Hange, you better be fine!
Just had a glimpse of Levi and his squad. But still good enough to see Corporal. Fufu.

    Anonymous January 9, 2015 2:18 pm

    Now that historia became Titan,there's no turning back..unless she eat eren,she will never be like eren with a Titan power..she's just a brainless Titan..

    greentea January 9, 2015 4:15 pm
    Now that historia became Titan,there's no turning back..unless she eat eren,she will never be like eren with a Titan power..she's just a brainless Titan.. @Anonymous

    i feel like the author will try and do something to make sure that both are alive though because there will be no story if eren dies.