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So many people ignore the psychology part of this and just blame the little brother for mu...

hmm... psychology January 18, 2015 11:01 am

So many people ignore the psychology part of this and just blame the little brother for multiple offenses... This is a twisted story about an abused kid obsessed with his friend's older brother because that person is the only "light" in his life (read the sequel for backstory). The little brother just was being childish and stupid with that baseball bat part (spur of the moment) because he was frustrated his older bro didn't give him enough non-nagging attention after he went to high school. Then the rest happened because he was in shock... SHOCK. Not because the lil brother wanted to watch or was "acting" like a victim.... The lil bro probably ended up either crazy or scarred for life due to the last page.

    jen0929 February 15, 2015 7:39 am

    I don't see where the little brother is being abuse, he is just a traitor!! A freaking idiot who let himself be controlled by his "friend" who maybe don't considered him his friend at all and just got close to him to be close to his brother.. Is true he doesn't hate his brother but he doesn't love him either, if you have siblings you would understand that no matter how annoying, abusive, mean and irritating you find your brother and sister, If you have to chose between them and a friend, you will chosse them and during a fight even though you are smaller, weaker and younger you will want to protect them and if they are sad you are sad, if they cry you cry, and not matter how much we fight we always end up forgiving eachother.. At least that's how it is with me and my siblings, and I think a lot of people will agree with me.. He didn't have any of this feeling for his brother, he looks more interested in his friend's love for his brother, it looked as if he was jealous of his brother, for being love by his so-called "friend" and pitied his "friend" because his brother didn't have any feeling for him.

    Someone June 24, 2017 6:09 pm
    I don't see where the little brother is being abuse, he is just a traitor!! A freaking idiot who let himself be controlled by his "friend" who maybe don't considered him his friend at all and just got close to ... @jen0929

    Obviously ur fucking stupid. There are so many things wrong with what you said I'm starting to question if we even read the same thing just now. Like first of all "no matter how abusive" is an excuse people use to abuse their family members. That's why certain kids are okay with being bullied and abused by their OWN FAMILY. Because people like you tell them that it's okay to be treated that way and to forgivable and forget. (Certainly you shouldn't hit anyone with a bat either) also everything you said in the second half of your comment is FALSE. Need proof? Try rereading the damn yaoi, maybe then youll learn how to read.