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This story was 100% realistic for the first half when showing the uke's twisted logic of "...

Anonymous February 1, 2015 9:48 am

This story was 100% realistic for the first half when showing the uke's twisted logic of "I won't leave him no matter what. If I just love him enough he'll change." That's definitely a common thought process of many abuse victims. What I don't like however is that in this story the abuser does "change," -magically overnight just because he realizes he loves the uke. This is ridiculous. Either the man is a sociopath in which case he can't change because he's incapable of empathy and love. Or he isn't a sociopath in which case he shouldn't have been able to be THAT violent in the beginning without remorse and horror for his actions.
I mean you don't go from nearly killing everyone you sleep with to suddenly kissing and making love in a gentle way. That man needs a straight jacket and a padded cell. And the uke needs his head examined for staying with him.

    Mi-chan February 1, 2015 10:40 am

    This is manga,it doesn't have to be realistic,it's better this way,than for him to be beaten up everyday

    poop throwing guy February 26, 2015 11:53 am

    Way to see things only in black and white! Even in real life you can't just classify such complicated things into two great chunks of baseless generalization no one person is an exact archetype the human psyche is a complicated thing