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Maybe I don't read your "typical" yaois (or grew sick of it 4 years ago) because I really ...

Anonymous February 7, 2015 10:10 pm

Maybe I don't read your "typical" yaois (or grew sick of it 4 years ago) because I really don't see what the mismatched roles are. I think Fumi as seme is perfect. I like sweet semes like him who can be badass when they need to be and dominating in bed when they're in the mood instead of the typical lame boring mysterious manly tough seme with a lot of fetish and like a uke who looks like he's 5 years old and is such a crybaby over everything. bleh! So good job to this mangaka. I love this manga and I hope the mangaka doesn't switch their roles or anything - I'll be extremely disappointed. It's perfect how it is and I really love this couple a lot. I have a weakness for bestfriends > lovers when it comes to yaoi. hahaha! And also Shunpei is the sexiest uke ever.

    I have a secret stash of yaoi. February 9, 2015 3:55 am


    Leuichi February 15, 2015 5:02 pm

    As for me, I would really be disappointed if I'll never see Fumi being the uke. Its quite irritating for me that Shunpei likes to be the uke now! Fumi should try to be on the bottom! Deymn. Hehe

    Relakuma February 15, 2015 5:54 pm

    agreed, i like the pairing and their roles, but the only thing i find that doesn't match/fit, is fumi's voice in the drama CD. After reading the manga up to the latest upload, and then listening to the drama CD, i found that they could have chosen a better seiyuu to voice him. The seiyuu they chose had a pretty deep voice, it didn't really fit "my" image of fumi (the fumi that i interpreted from the manga). Nonetheless, even though his voice didn't really fit fumi, his voice was effing hot! >~< Plus, they got shunpeis seiyuu right! man, it fit shunpei so well!~ i highly recommend listening to it!~ >3<
    Ah, i found it on youtube by just typing in the manga title.

    Anonymous March 16, 2015 8:42 am
    agreed, i like the pairing and their roles, but the only thing i find that doesn't match/fit, is fumi's voice in the drama CD. After reading the manga up to the latest upload, and then listening to the drama CD... Relakuma

    I think it fit him perfectly! I know a guy that's a bit like Fumi, where he looks like an uke but is a total seme. and his voice is quite deep, so it really pleased me when I heard his voice. it's like, you wouldn't expect it, but it's such a nice surprise.

    Relakuma March 16, 2015 4:42 pm
    I think it fit him perfectly! I know a guy that's a bit like Fumi, where he looks like an uke but is a total seme. and his voice is quite deep, so it really pleased me when I heard his voice. it's like, you wou... @Anonymous

    wow, you know someone like that? sort of jealous xD would love to see the contrast between his voice and appearance >3<
    but i still feel that fumi's voice should have been voiced by someone like Miyano Mamoru, he has such a diverse range and tone of voice! i mean, he does tamaki from ouran HS host club, Tsukiyama from tokyo ghoul, yogi from karneval, and chrollo <3 from hunderxhunter!~ i love him!~ <3 hehe

    みいみい May 8, 2015 12:46 pm

    True. True. I agree. I think the same. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
    Their roles just perfectly fits.

    And, maybe people keep making fuss about their positions because they almost have exactly the same height? Tho--I think Shunpei's role as the neko just fits him well but as for Fumi well..he does look a lot like an uke at first sight but y'know hearing his voice in the DRAMA CD will change your mind. He sounds real manly tbh surprisingly despite having a ukeish look.