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Interconnecting stories where the main sitting is the mansion where high-class prostitutes...

alheab February 17, 2015 9:04 am

Interconnecting stories where the main sitting is the mansion where high-class prostitutes -called Hana- entertain the nobility and royalty. These high-class male prostitutes have a great privilege due to their associations with the high-class society in Alexxa, but they have obligations. One of those is not be loved by anybody but to choose patrons who look after them.

We meet Tubsaki, a boy who is currently the main Hana of Rose mansion. His heartbreak to have taken a patron other than his lover is breaking his spirit, however, he is a man with a high sense of responsibility that he won't run away but he will ensure that pain of being embraced by somebody other than his lover.
Then, we meet a younger Hana-to be, who falls in love with a Japanese man! Problems arise because he has a patron ready for his debut!
Another perspective is when see a master of a beautiful Hana dying and leaving his Hana to his heir!

Finally, we see a deal that has been struck between 2 nobles where one noble has to pay with his body in exchange for money.

I loved the story concept and I was eager to read this manga, However, I felt quite disappointed. All stories felt short or in another term, they lacked the completion feel. It is a shame that mangaka vision was not translated in her stories. However, the drawings were very beautiful and elegant.
